
21 Self-Affirmations to Improve your Mind

Have you ever wondered about self-affirmation and if they truly work or it’s just a bunch of bogus? If you really want to know the truth behind it then there is really only one way to find out…try it yourself! You really don’t lose anything by practicing, if anything you will see a positive change within yourself which spirals into all aspects of your life. By not trying…you will never know the full potential of what your life can be.

Self-Affirmation really is just positive statements and sentences. They help overturn negative thoughts  in your mind and they can be beneficial in all aspects of your life. It has been scientifically proven to improve health, relationship and education by creating a positive feedback loop between the self and the social system which impacts the behavior and outcomes.

Benefits of practicing self-affirmation:

  • Reduces stress by negating the negative thoughts.
  • Increases positive behaviour leading to positive changes.
  • Motivate yourself by boosting self-esteem.
  • Increases confidence.
  • Reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue.
  • Increased optimism through changes in the brain.
  • Improves physical and mental health.

There are no hard rules about when or how often to practise self-affirmation…do what works for you! But if you do want to make long term changes in the way you think and feel…it is important to practice them regularly and make it part of your daily routine! Writing it down or saying it in front of a mirror to make it much more effective. Begin your self-affirmations with “I”, keep them short, present tense, and positive.

Here are 21 examples of self-affirmation to start:

  1. I am resilient, strong and brave.
  2. I am smart, confident and intelligent.
  3. I am successful.
  4. I am powerful
  5. I am surrounded by love and abundance.
  6. I am beautiful and a kind human.
  7. I am loved, cared for and valued.
  8. I have an amazing life.
  9. I achieve anything I put my mind to.
  10. I love my body and mind.
  11. I choose peace.
  12. I attract the flow of money into my life.
  13. I am grateful for my life.
  14. I am happy and joyful.
  15. I am growing and evolving to be a better person.
  16. I choose to be happy.
  17. I see the positive in all things life.
  18. I am living my best life.
  19. I inspire people.
  20. I am healthy, rich and prosperous.
  21. I am enough.


Making self-affirmation part of your daily routine not only reminds you of the good things you have in your life but it can also shift your thinking leading to positive behavioural changes. You can spend a few minutes in the morning, throughout the day or even right before bedtime…heck you can do it three times a day!Try it for yourself before you dismiss the power of affirmations…you have nothing to lose!

Hope you enjoyed this post and let me know in the comments if it has helped you ????

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