
Your Inner Circle – Why do they matter?

Have you ever paid any attention to the people you spent the most time with? The ones you ALWAYS call when in need for comfort or advice or just to talk for a good laugh. They are the people who you are surrounded by most of the time, not necessarily physically, but one way or another, they are always in your life. It can be family, friends or colleagues, but it’s who you trust the most to let in your INNER CIRCLE.

You seek advice, confide in, ask for support, or just talk for the longest time about absolutely nothing. Almost every individual has an inner circle, it may be two or more, but usually averages around five people and you may not even realize they are part of your inner circle. But it is important to know who we let close in our life to be part of that circle…simply because our inner circle matters.

It is imperative that the people in your circle share the same values, help one another, lift each other up and make us better human beings. We must be intentional with who we allow in our inner circle, because they influence the way you think and act, significantly affecting the decisions we make in our life. We as individuals are shaped by many factors in our life, and who we surround ourselves with is a significant one.

Simply put…they can either make or break you. How do you then decide who to allow in this circle of yours?

Who SHOULD be part of your inner circle:

  • People who encourage and strengthen you to learn and grow.
  • Those who celebrate your progress and journey.
  • Individuals who help us see ourselves better.
  • Those who see us beyond our role, title or job. They see us for who we are and becoming, not just what you have done or doing.
  • They will provide a safe space to learn, explore and take risks and protect your interest.
  • People who are going through similar challenges as you and can relate to your life better.

Who SHOULD NOT be part of your inner circle:

  • Those who think they know it all, it’s either their way or not.
  • The ones who think they are always right and unwilling to hear the perspectives of others.
  • Self-centred individuals who make everything about them.
  • Individuals who are constantly complaining and see the negative in everything.
  • Those who suck the energy out of you leaving you feeling low.
  • Individuals you simply do not trust.


In this day and age, with social media driving us to think our value and importance correlates with the size of our social circle, it is easy to get sucked into letting anyone and everyone into our safe space. People in your life will one way or another influence your thinking, your ideas, your views and most importantly your actions.

Create a space with the people that work for you, and most importantly trust your instinct. Usually it’s not just moments but accumulation of encounters overtime that will tell you if a particular relationship fits in your life or not. Reflect on the lessons and experiences in your life and decide if it’s worth allowing an individual in your inner circle.

Be VERY intentional about who you allow in your personal space, both physically and mentally. Your inner circle matters because you become who you are with!

I hope you enjoyed the read and leave in the comments what your inner circles looks like!

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